Pastor and Church Member Benefits…
Build a stronger faith in members of your congregation – the Bible comes alive
Tour participants experience increased biblical knowledge
Increased church involvement when members return home
Educate church teachers and build leaders
Church members are better enabled to share their faith
Bonds of fellowship among tour participants
Never read the Bible the same again…increased ongoing Bible study by members
Pastors connect with their church members through a unique shared experience
Renew the faith of those who may be spiritually disconnected
Individual lives enriched with a once-in-a-lifetime Christian experience
Develop a broader understanding of Christians in other countries
Provide an opportunity for members to represent Christ in a foreign land
Develop a new resource for your preaching and teaching
Pastors develop deepened relationships with church members
Pastors find their own spirit renewed
And importantly, pastors travel free based on one free tour with every 5 paying passengers